David David
Born in Nancy in 1981, David DAVID (real name) has always been close to the world of art. His attraction to the “Beautiful” has led him to develop a very pronounced creative sense.

Self-taught, he taught himself by using books and practising assiduously in his studio in Cannes. He began with sculpture, because for him, volume posed no problem. He soon realised that he needed his own signature, his own identity. Thanks to his pugnacity, the creation of his character came naturally. By tipping the bucket of paint over his head, he uses this gesture as a means of expressing himself, but also and above all as a form of protection.
Sculpture allows him to become his spokesperson, while painting gives him this function. In the form of self-portraits, he puts the lines of his own silhouette on canvas, a way for him too to have his own style, his own artistic identity. This multi-talented artist will never cease to amaze you.
“Inwardly, I think I knew that one day I would devote myself solely to creation. But it’s true that when I think back on all the roads I’ve travelled to get just this far! If someone had described the path to me beforehand… I don’t know if I would have taken it. But the fact remains that today I wouldn’t be able to do anything else. Creation has become like a part of myself and I have the feeling that if this part didn’t exist, I wouldn’t exist… I don’t know if my work is always well understood, and in fact I don’t know if I myself always understand it! Sometimes when I look at a work some time after I’ve made it, it’s only then that I see… I see what I wanted to express and certainly that it made me feel good at the time. I’m not sure an explanation is useful, but the feeling I get when I create is what I want to convey…”
David DAVID is becoming increasingly well-known, and his work, which is very well represented in Europe through prestigious galleries, is now being exported internationally, to New York, Dubai, Berlin, Miami, Los Angeles and Singapore…
Where to see David DAVID’s work in Cannes :
Galerie Degreze : 58 Rue d’Antibes